Saturday, December 17, 2005

Who lives in a pineapple under my sink?

Holy crap, for you people that read this drivel... It must seem like Christmas. Because I'm actually writing on a semi-regular basis. Don't get too used to it though, I think I'm just padding you up for when I go home. When I go home I get internet somewhat comparative to hitting a rock against another rock, and somehow the sounds the two rocks make when struck together create standard TCP/IP. So you can see where it'd be a pain in the ass to post anything.

Michelle graduated today. Got to meet here mom and her sister. They're great folks, took us out to dinner at this place called Song down on beach street. I'd never been before and it was pretty sweet. It was a Mongolian grill type restaurant. I don't feel like explaining it. After dinner we went out to Robbie's and had a few pints. All my clothes smell like smoke now, cause it was too cold to sit outside. Too cold for everyone else, they're a bunch of pussies. It was like in the 40's. Here that's considered unbearably cold.

I still haven't packed a single thing and I'm leaving tomorrow. I've got to clean this shit hole up and get my clothes together. Plus I've gotta ship some stuff and go get my truck. I'll be up at the asscrack of 7AM to get it done. I'll be in late tomorrow night. Don't wait up.

Why does everyone hate the juice?

Say it out loud.

Oh yeah, a picture. Seems to be the theme lately. I'll find one.

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There's some good parenting. Good thing to whore-brand 'em early in life. Because that kid is going to end up a smelly pirate hooker. Mark my words.

That doesn't sound so bad. I wonder if they're taking applications. I graduate in May...

Friday, December 16, 2005

A few things I'd like to share

A. King Kong is fucking long.

2. I missed an A in my flight technique class by .1%.

D. Skyy Berry Vodka and Lemonade tastes like berry lemonade. And then you fall over.

I'm passing out. Just felt like sharing. Eh, I'll find you guys a picture for your viewing efforts.

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That's pretty sick.

Why do you read this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Blimpin' Aint Easy

I pretty much had to share this picture with you people.

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Aint that the truth.

What's going on in my life? I assume that's the reason you read this. Could be missing the target on that one though. At this point, 2 exams down 1 more to go tomorrow morning. So far it's looking to be a main course of B's with two sides of A. A 3.4 isn't the worst thing in the world. Especially considering the amount of drinking I've done has grown in the last couple of days. I don't really get into anything personal on this thing so I'll leave it at one word: Misogyny. That pretty much sums it up. Your kind have no souls.

I'm peacing out A-town back to the Hampsha on the 17th. I'll be home for about 3 weeks until the 8th. And then I get to come back to this shithole for another semester. Next semester's shaping up to not be so bad. And by "not so bad" I mean, the college of business is going to forcibly insert a giant spiked baseball bat into my anus. I never was really sure what I wanted to do for a minor, but I need one to graduate. I chose the wonderful world of managment to be my minor starting this semester. So I'm doing a business minor in two semesters. Which isn't all that big of a deal, but I have to take 3 business classes next semester. I will be taking Airline Economics, Airport Economics, and Accounting. That sounds like a whole shitload of no fun if you ask me. But whatever, I'll be graduating, and it's a better minor than weather or something equally worthless. This way if I ever start that movie theater/sports bar/strip club/fight gym I've always dreamed about I'll know how to properly identify my target market, and other business type stuff.

Well, tomorrow in my flight technique class all I have to make on the final is an 81% or above to secure an A. I really hope I'm able to do that, as this professors tests over this semester have been full of absolute bullshit. There hasn't been a class average on one of his tests over an 80 yet this semester. Probably because he's a fucking idiot and his questions make about as much sense as a monkey shitting on it's hand and eating it.

And as I drop the f-bomb and delve into monkey fecal fetishes, I'm out. I gotta study for this P.O.S. final, and I need another beer.

What is the new equilibrium price of gum?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm sorry

... that I haven't updated at all. I vow to get drunk and write more next semester. It will be my New Years resolution. Here's some food for thought.

We Want a Rock by They Might Be Giants

Where was I? I forgot
The point that I was making
I said if I was smart that I would
Save up for a piece of string
And a rock to wind the string around
Everybody wants a rock
To wind a piece of string around
Everybody wants a rock
To wind a piece of string around

Throw the crib door wide
Let the people crawl inside
Someone in this town
Is trying to burn the playhouse down
They want to stop the ones who want
A rock to wind a string around
But everybody wants a rock
To wind a piece of string around
Throw the crib door wide
Let the people crawl inside
Someone in this town
Is trying to burn the playhouse down
They want to stop the ones who want
A rock to wind a string around
But everybody wants a rock
To wind a piece of string around

If I were a carpenter I'd
Hammer on my piglet, I'd
Collect the seven dollars and I'd
Buy a big prosthetic forehead
And wear it on my real head
Everybody wants prosthetic
Foreheads on their real heads
Everybody wants prosthetic
Foreheads on their real heads
Throw the crib door wide
Let the people crawl inside
Someone in this town
Is trying to burn the playhouse down
They want to stop the ones who want
Prosthetic foreheads on their heads
But everybody wants prosthetic
Foreheads on their real heads
Throw the crib door wide
Let the people crawl inside
Someone in this town
Is trying to burn the foreheads down
They want to stop the ones who want
A rock to wind a string around
But everybody wants a rock
To wind a piece of string around.

This is my brain.

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Thursday, December 01, 2005


53.13% of the people who find this blog by way of a search engine do so by the phrase "fuck me in the ass".

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You people are sick.