Blimpin' Aint Easy
I pretty much had to share this picture with you people.

Aint that the truth.
What's going on in my life? I assume that's the reason you read this. Could be missing the target on that one though. At this point, 2 exams down 1 more to go tomorrow morning. So far it's looking to be a main course of B's with two sides of A. A 3.4 isn't the worst thing in the world. Especially considering the amount of drinking I've done has grown in the last couple of days. I don't really get into anything personal on this thing so I'll leave it at one word: Misogyny. That pretty much sums it up. Your kind have no souls.
I'm peacing out A-town back to the Hampsha on the 17th. I'll be home for about 3 weeks until the 8th. And then I get to come back to this shithole for another semester. Next semester's shaping up to not be so bad. And by "not so bad" I mean, the college of business is going to forcibly insert a giant spiked baseball bat into my anus. I never was really sure what I wanted to do for a minor, but I need one to graduate. I chose the wonderful world of managment to be my minor starting this semester. So I'm doing a business minor in two semesters. Which isn't all that big of a deal, but I have to take 3 business classes next semester. I will be taking Airline Economics, Airport Economics, and Accounting. That sounds like a whole shitload of no fun if you ask me. But whatever, I'll be graduating, and it's a better minor than weather or something equally worthless. This way if I ever start that movie theater/sports bar/strip club/fight gym I've always dreamed about I'll know how to properly identify my target market, and other business type stuff.
Well, tomorrow in my flight technique class all I have to make on the final is an 81% or above to secure an A. I really hope I'm able to do that, as this professors tests over this semester have been full of absolute bullshit. There hasn't been a class average on one of his tests over an 80 yet this semester. Probably because he's a fucking idiot and his questions make about as much sense as a monkey shitting on it's hand and eating it.
And as I drop the f-bomb and delve into monkey fecal fetishes, I'm out. I gotta study for this P.O.S. final, and I need another beer.
What is the new equilibrium price of gum?
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