Fuck Me in the Goat Ass

Today marks the first day I've ever slept through and missed an exam. Ever. That kind of stings. Luckily for my ass the class I missed it in has a makeup exam to replace any grade throughout the semester you wish to. Something tells me I'll be using that one to make up for my zero. Little gnome. Sits in my ear, tells me what to do and shit. Well, he doesn't shit in my ear. Just tells me what to do.
So once again my brain fucking hates me. I set my alarm to allow even a little time to study extra before I went to class. My class was at 8AM, I fucking woke up at 11AM. This was me.

Except I'm pretty sure I'm not asian. But other than that, it's a fairly accurate depiction.
On another note, yet just as full of spite, I hate this fucking state. It's so goddamn hot all the time. It's getting towards the end of October and SOMETIMES it gets down to 75 degrees. AT NIGHT. It's recockulous. Some day I'm going to kick the shit out of this state. I will show you what that would look like.

Notice how it's me kicking, with shit flying out. All flying out into the Atlantic Ocean. I'm sure the hippies would get all up in arms about me flooding the Atlantic with shit, but everyone knows that hippies can pretty much go fuck themselves. If you're a hippy, and your biggest worry is all the shit I kicked out of Florida flying into the ocean, yeah, you're a hippy. Because all hippies do is smell bad and piss everyone off.

Honestly, how can you NOT hate hippies. Speaking of hippies, watch this video.
Confused yet? Me too.
I'm out.
i like it. poop spraying from the "poop contact point"...really absolute genius. I'm being serious.
i love hippies.. that is the ones that i grew up with...they did not stink...they made amazing music, grew their own food, made beautiful clothing, were very educated, and wanted to make the world a more peaceful place... the "hippies" everyone hates are the people who were freeloaders and real hippies didn't like these people either. but in any free socitey there will be people who try to take advantage... leeches. too bad that thoes types gave real hippies a bad name.
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