Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hello Dashboard

How I've missed thee... Not at all.

You know what's an interesting word? Octothorp. That was my new word for yesterday. It means # <--- that thing.

Well, and update... Summer is almost over. Summer sucks balls. I'm sick of sitting in an office from 8-4:30 every day. One thing has improved though, and that's my Street Fighter 2 skills. Because that's all I fucking do. I finished all the work I needed to do by mid July, so I suppose that's around a month or so of constant fucking around since then. I've listened to every single goddamn mp3 on my computer at least twice. Yes, including Ultimate Dance Party ('97 AND '98)and a few choice LL Cool J songs. My brain is a nanometer away from jello. Newegg is being little bitches. I sent an RMA back about a week ago and they just got to shipping it today. I'm still currently homeless, but I have an appointment at the Breakers for a pretty cheap studio apartment. I'm actually pretty stoked about the possibility of getting a single for myself. Then I can decorate it with all the pretty pink bowties I want and no one can say anything about it. Shut your mouth. My brother leaves for Arizona today to start his exciting 5 years at ASU. I didn't see much of him this summer, the kid drinks like a fish. The RMA at Newegg is on the harddrive that I'm putting in the new computer I'm building him. It's a pretty sweet little rig, one of the minicases. I never thought much of them but they're actually sweet little compact machines. I currently don't have anyone to drive down to DAB with me. I might be making the trip myself, we'll see I guess. I still need to find a goddamn cap for my truck. I got quoted about a grand for a new fiberglass one. That's more money than I'm willing to spend. Maybe I'll just find a ranger at the walmart parking lot that has a cap and take it.

It's lunch time. Leave me alone.


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