Saturday, October 01, 2005

Retro-fit the pudding hatch

Yeah, so people keep checking this even when I don't write. Makes me feel kind of bad, so I think I'll write something in it. I just downloaded the new Bloodhound Gang album. It's pretty standard BG stuff so far. I assume like their other albums I'll have to listen to it and read the lyrics before I really get the funny out of it. That's pretty much what I had to with all their other albums that I now find hilarious.

Saw Serenity last night, what a great flick. It could honestly turn out to be the Star Wars of our generation if they continue with it. If you've got an open night and the price of admission, check it out.

For those of you who don't know, I'm moved into a new place now. Let me go grab a beer and I'll take a few pictures of it.

Alright, basically... the kitchen, living room (aka jumbled mass of shit), and two shots of my room with the crazy sex mirror.

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Yeah, still in the process of moving in. But I have my priorities straight, because this poster is up.

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... which is pretty key.

Other than that, still doing jiu jitsu and kick boxing, and playing hockey, sort of. Everything's pretty much on hold since I dislocated my shoulder a week and a half ago. I haven't done much of jack shit since then. It sucks, I haven't had a hard solid workout in about a week. And just sitting on the sidelines watching in jiu jitsu instead of participating sucks a bit more than most things that suck.

I need another beer and you need to stop wasting your life. Focker out.


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