For anyone opposed to rage induced spite, please click the little fucking red x button in the top right portion of your screen.
Still with me? Aight.
It's 9AM and I've drank 2 beers and had 3 jello shots. Why, you may ask. Are you really that much of a fucking drunk. No. Let me spin you a little yarn about gusty winds, flight planning, and daylight savings time.
Beep Beep
^that's my fucking alarm going off at what I thought to be 5AM. But it was fucking 6AM, I just didn't know it. I was supposed to take off at 7:15AM. And yes, for those of you with a slide ruler that's allowing 2.25 hours for flight planning. This will come into context later.
So I wake up, get on my computer, notice the clock. It says 6AM. I think, that's bullshit, it's 5AM. And then it hits me. No, it couldn't be. I go. I search for daylight savings time. A site comes up with a table, and April 3rd 2005 is on it. I think that was right about the time where I exclaimed, "FUCK!". I throw on some clothes and book it out of Lake Forest like a fat kid hitting up China Buffet. When I get to the flight line I go up to the flight supervisors office, explain to him my situation, and he's nice enough to extend my takeoff time by an hour to allow for my flight planning. Sweet shit, says I. And I go down to the flight planning room to get my weather and plan out my flight.
Now, most of you probably don't understand what planning a 7 hour flight to the Keys and back entails. I think it would best be described my the monologue from the made for TV movie... ah, fuckit. Here's a picture.

That's roughly 3 full sheets of planning. Here's a shot of one close up.

Holy fucking roughly 2 hours or so of planning, Batman. Now, I wouldn't really care... if I was going on the flight.
This is where the spite ensues.
I get all the way done with my assraping flight planning, and another kid who happened to be going to the same place I was comes downstairs. He says, "Just thought I'd let you know, I just canceled my flight." I said, paraphrased, "Why the cockgobbling motherfucker would you do that?" He says, "'Cause the winds in Marathon are gusting up to 22 knots from the north." In Marathon they only have two runways, 7 and 25. Which, for you non-flight people, means runways pointing at 7 and 250 degrees magnetic on a compass. Dammit, here's the picture.
Fuckit, I can't find a good airport diagram. But just believe me, the wind was gusting almost perpendicular to the runway. And for airplanes, that is bad.
So anyways, I'm thinking, "This can't be fucking happening, I just planned all this shit out, there's no way I'm getting cancelled." I finish up what I had left to plan and go up to the flight supervisor's office. I tell him that I'm all ready to go, all planned and everything. Fuck yeah, mistah, yessir I'm ready to go mistah flight sup. And he says, "Well, there's one thing bothering me, it's this wind here, see." And he points to this.

And I'm thinking, "No, you motherfucker, don't you even think about weathering me after all the work I just did, and getting up at 5AM, and rushing over here. Don't even fucking think about it."
He says, "Those winds aren't forecasted to die down for a while. I don't think we should really take any chances, so why don't we just throw this flight on the schedule again for next weekend." It took me everything I had not to say, "How about no, you fucking cockmonger. It's a beautiful day, there isn't a cloud in the motherfucking sky, and the winds are perfect everywhere but there. And you're going to weather me because the winds PROBABLY ARE GOING TO BE BAD? You asshole."
But all I said was, "Ok, that works."
Ashley made a metric shit ton of jello shots last night. It's pretty dick for me to eat them, but I'll make him more. And did I mention, I don't give a flying fuck. Or I guess, a non-flying fuck. So the rest of my morning is this.

And just for good measure. Go fuck yourself. I'm out.