Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
One gear higher, Alfred.
This is not fun. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some shitty situations in my life. But I'm pretty sure none has sucked more shit than this one. At this juncture I've never been poorer in my entire life. Also, don't get me wrong, I've been shit-ass poor before. But not like this. When you have to sell your computer games from your cd wallet to fucking gamefuckstop or whatever the place is called so you can pay your busfare to get to work in the morning, things have taken a turn. And the guy looks at you as if to say "are you fucking serious? These games are 100 years old." And I say, "give me five dollars for all 3 of these and you can take them out back and step on them if you want, I don't care. I just need to get to work on the god damn bus." My inability to take charity from people is probably what brought it to this point. Sure it'd be easy to borrow five bucks from someone and pay them back later, but if it's within my means to get the goddamn money myself, why should I. Now, I have to sidetrack for a bit. I get paid on Thursday. Once midnight on the 8th rolls around, I will no longer be able to say to homeless people who ask me for change, "No, but do you have any change?" It's not so much the money, it's this place. I pay hundreds of dollars of my money every month to live here. Many hundreds. Imagine a little more than eight and a half of them, and then imagine them not being mine anymore. Because that's what happens on the first of every month. And they can't even repair the basic equipment in the tiny excuse for a fitness center they run here. When you use an exercise machine it's not supposed to feel like it is trying to buck you the fuck off. And to compound all that, the water main just broke here tonight. So, after I get back from fighting with the Satan elliptical machine (knee's still broke, no running for me) I smell like a giant sack of buttholes. I come back to find absolutely no water coming out of my shower head. I've got laundry to do for work tomorrow, or else I'm going to be wearing the same shit I wore yesterday. And I'm not going to be able to take a shower. Another 10 points to this lovely establishment.
Let's switch gears. Me bitching like a high school emo kid who locked himself in his bedroom at his parents house is making me hate myself. So this shit needs to stop. This next commentary is not a bitch, but a fucking declaration of pure bewilderment.
The. God. Damn. People. On. The. God. Damn. Bus.
I think I meet the requirements for the definition of a drug addict. I pay money, to get something that seems like it serves a necessary purpose, but in fact, it's destroying my will to live and probably eating my brain like those things that go in your ear from Wrath of Khan. In my past I have rarely encountered individuals that on a fairly regular basis say things that cause me actual physical pain in my brain. On the god damn Las Vegas bus it is almost a daily occurrence. They say our public schools are not properly educating the masses... I will never argue with that statement ever again. Not while I can sit on the public bus and listen to a man with the hygienic habits of a silverback gorilla recount through his four teeth how he is now studying to be a computer network admin. In his lap sits a computer that I probably used and thought was a piece of shit when I was in the fifth grade. He then proceeds to tell me about how he got the computer for free (you don't say) and how he's going to "pimp it out". His words, not mine. He then goes on to tell me about how it's not that great right now, but he's going to put a dvd recorder in it, upgrade the LAM (maybe that has something to do with mutton. Lamb Access Memory) and eventually put a dual-core processor in it. Mind you I'm sitting two point five fucking feet away from a computer that's only use left in this world might be bludgeoning a zombie if the need arose. The computer had a god damn fucking five and a quarter drive in it. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a big fucking disk drive that takes giant floppy disks, you know, back in the day where a floppy disk actually was floppy? This computer didn't have enough processing power to run a fucking toaster. And here was this guy, causing me probably irreversible cranial hemorrhaging for the entirety of my half an hour bus ride home, and I have no where to go. Of course you can't normally fault someone who does not have as high of a technical knowledge as anyone else. Mere time and schooling is the only difference between people of equal aptitudes. But this man sat here talking as if he wrote the fucking MCSE study guide. I am far too fired up about this. I need a second. Wait, no I fucking don't. This brings us to brain-bleeding encounter number two. Listening to people on the bus argue about politics is probably about as pleasant as a woman in the middle-east running outside in a bikini during "bring your favorite rock to work" day. As today's elections went off, it really sunk in that the people who decide elections and ultimately our policies as Americans are not even quasi-educated people. No, these people actually watch and read campaign ads and BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY. These are people who will argue for long periods of time using party advertisements as A BASIS OF FACT. "George Bush is the reason why we can't trade with France now and it's making my water bill go up, and I've got 6 children. How am I supposed to pay my bills with the tax cuts for the rich taking my welfare away?" I'm sorry you had to read that, and I apologise for any pain it might've caused you. But at least you didn't have to hear it come out of another fully conscious human being's mouth. These people strike me as the epidemy of the vast potential of the human brain being used in the most worthless and wasteful ways, AND NOT CARING. You can say whatever you want. You can say different people or different classes are oppressed by society. You can say people are born into situations with less of a chance of success. You can say whatever you want. And I'll cordially invite you to go fuck yourself. These people have a choice. Our ability, as humans, of conscious choice is what sets our own form of decaying meat bag apart from any other thing on this planet. Every single day every single person has a choice. Even if you don't succeed in the path you choose, you have the ability to choose to take it. It truly disgusts me to see people sit at the proverbial fork in the road, and pitch a fucking tent. Forever manacled by the comfort of familiarity and their choice of complete complacency to not even explore the possibilities afforded them by their lives. These people, in my mind, are a waste.
This rant has gone quite far into a pretty hostile, non-compassionate and completely uncomprimising part of my brain. Kind of scares me to hang there for too long, so I'm gonna cut this off right now before it gets any longer.
But just one last thing, please make a choice every day to do something with your life. At least for nothing else than all the peoples brains who wont bleed because of the shit you say.
P.S. This post took a strange turn but is probably the first serious thing I've ever written.