Lunchtime approaches.

Welcome to another worthless update.
Just got my wisdom teeth out. Hooray for pudding, jello, and yogurt. And shit. Well, not shit in it's own sense. More like shit as in other things I can eat. I suppose if I had just ammended the sentence to have the "and shit" in the previous sentence, I wouldn't have had to type that. Or this for that matter. Yes, I look like a goddamn chipmunk. So what. Get over it. And while you're getting over it, get down to this funky ass track of love. Except not at all, because my box is at work. And here on my home computer I have roughly 5.8 mp3's. Whereas on my other box I have close to 9000. That's nine-thousand. Survey says, that's more than five point eight. Show me 5.8... Ahh there it is. I'm about ten seconds from peacing the fuck out. I've got a pretty good blood loss going out the back of my mouth. Driving home was quite the adventure tonight. My reaction time was somewhere inbetween Hellen Keller and Corkey Thatcher. Had there been any animals or anything, I'm sure I wouldn't have reacted to them until they were through my windshield, of love. I did find a deer in my backyard a few minutes ago. I heard rustling in the south field by my house, so I went and got a flashlight. It was a deer. Not a very good story, huh. I just kind of watched it for a while. I think it got pissed or something because it walked away. Fine by me. Didn't want you in my fucking field anyways cock-smuggler. Anyways, I could really use some music here. My camera's battery died. Too bad the charger is in fucking Vancouver. That's a pissah. Speaking of pissahs... it must suck to have there be no updates here, and then you come back to find this. It's not my fault you waste your time coming here. Buck up and take responsibility for your actions.