The truth will set you free
So said Mr. Clark anyways.
So I've found a website so awesome in nature I feel the need to plug it on my blog. I've already shown a bunch of you what it is, and I had read the book before. But I didn't know it was also a website. I present to you the World Rock-Paper-Scissors Society. If you thought the game of RPS (Rock-Paper-Scissors) lacked complexity, you are not a smart person. RPS, at times, can be a game of borderline clairvoyance. Some people have the gift, some people do not. And the people that do, they get shotgun, a lot. That reminds me, enjoy this PBF toon.

And because I'm a waste of human space I also made a new shirt for the shop based on my views of RPS.

And with that, I'm out.
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