This doesn't happen often. But I'm sick as a dog. This is the first time I've ever medically grounded myself at this school. I cannot believe how insanely easy it was. There were times before I could've gotten out of a jam or two by calling health services if I knew how little of a deal it was. You literally call and say "I want to get medically grounded" and they say "ok, what's your name and student number." And that's it. I wanted to yell into the phone, "WHAT IF I'M FAKING IT? YOU'RE JUST GONNA BELIEVE ME?"
Oh well. I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy as shit and not to mention, sickly. Today should be a fun-filled day though. I have to take a makeup test for my commercial groundlab final. Shouldn't be all that hard. Any of you who have taken a Riddle groundschool know how it is once you get to the point where you don't even look at the questions anymore. Just by looking at the three answers you can pick the correct one. Well, that's where I am with almost the entire 100 question final. And then I have a business test. Business class is not cool. The prof teaches it all general like, and then gives us these specific ass tests. I'm going to have to study for that one methinks.
Anyways, I'm going to peace out A-town. Later.

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