Pimpin' hoes, out here drivin' Caddies.
Well then. I guess the t-shirt shop was a good idea (thanks Trav). I've had more fun doing these shirts than I have doing much else lately. Let me get the shop stuff out of the way and post the new shirts...
My current pet favorite:

hahaha... Anyways, it's available at a long sleeve T right now. But as always if you want any of the designs on any different kind of shirt, let me know. I'll make it so.
Phase 1 in the "NH is ultra badass" campaign:

And in a slight deviation, I did a THONG design. Ha, check it:

I thought maybe some people would get a kick out of that. That's my response to that stupid "Nights I wont remember with people I wont forget" saying. God, I hate that thing. By the way, I have no fucking idea what women think is funny. So input would always be appreciated.
Oh yeah, and the beer stein is available. I can personalize those if someone wants one with their name on it or some shit. Or I'll do a custom design or something.
Anyways, non-store shit. Hmmmm... well, I just got my 1GB USB jump drive. It's pretty pimp thus far. It goes on my key ring and it stores stuff. I don't know what I was expecting, but right now it just sitting it's lazy ass on my key ring isn't doing it for me.
I haven't got a flight instructor yet for my commercial course. It probably has something to do with the flaming administrative guy. He was too busy running around setting curtains on fire to assign me a flight instructor. The man is so ridiculously flaming. His desktop is a Tina Turner montage. No further comment required.
Well, it's 5:00 on a Friday night. I believe that's the time non-alcoholics crack their first one. So with that, I'll take my leave of you.
And for the wimmins willing to give comedy input, the comment button is directly below.
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