D.Q. Blizzard
I have no idea why I'm so obsessed with this song. It's so bad.
On an unrelated note, I need another beer. Back in a second.
I've decided that all women are nuts. I know you just said, "No shit" out loud, but bear with me because this is a personal epiphany. I have found three forms of women so far.
A. Those who are horribly insecure.
2. Those who are horribly insecure but will do anything to keep it from showing.
D. Arrogant bitches.
And to the D's of the world, I have one thing to say to you.

Just because I show interest in you first does not give you the upper hand. And as you lay gasping your last breath on the road of life because the utility van of reality just ended your freeloading college experience in a bloody elastic collision, realize how wrong you were.
I don't know where I was going with this. I think I just wanted to use that picture.
I'm not quite positive that all women fall under those three forms of women, but I definately feel you on that one.
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