Intellectually Homeless
If I had to sum up this week thus far in one word, it would be irritating. This week has been so fucking irritating. The hardest thing I've had to do this week so far is a 15 minute presentation in my commercial pilot groundlab. And it was cake of the absolute fluffiest kind. My instructor was blown away by the fact that I had the ability to talk around a powerpoint slide as opposed to simply reading off of it.
I have to rant about this for a few seconds. People. I know most of you that read this are in college. If you have to give a presentation, do everything in your power when presenting to not make your listeners want to jam pens into their fucking brains through their ears. I have had to sit through 3 hours so far this week of the worst fucking presentations known to man. Yes, I know the aerodynamics and physics of flight can be very dull, but it doesn't have to be. I don't care what you're presenting. If all you do is sit up there at the computer and read off the slide, kill yourself. I despise these kinds of presentations with hate of a density currently immeasurable by humans. All you have to do is actually understand your subject material, and with just a few key words on a slide you can talk for a good minute or two. That's all it fucking takes. Just spend a bit of your precious time and make class more enjoyable for everyone. Keep classroom suicide down. And I'll bet you cats to cottonballs you'll get a better grade as well.
Reverse Tangent:
So yeah, class this week has just been something I have to go exist through until I can drive home and sleep again.
I love sleep.
I have no music. I have listened to every single piece of music on my computer so many times I dread hitting the open file button, as I don't want to really listen to any of it. I know all of you read the comments, I have the logs to prove it, and I know that the comments have a little button to make your own comments. So it would be nice if this time you take a second to drop an artist or song that you think rules ass. Cause I could use a little ass ruling (purely in the musical sense) right about now.
Oh yeah, me and Cafepress are fighting right now, because they say one of my designs is probably in violation of copyright. For those of you unaware of the shirt in question:

Yeah, so I didn't know there was a copyright on the image of Che. Last time I checked his commie ass is fucking dead. It's hard to take a digital piss in any corner of the internet and NOT hit a Che t-shirt. Not to mention it's an obvious parody, so I don't understand how it's a violation. But whatever, as I don't remotely have the ability to do my store without them. So their rule goes, and the shirt goes.
Oh yeah, and a kid giving a presentation said "Anal Attack" today. But that's another story.
In rereading this I realize I used the word fuck a lot. Sorry.
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