I am not a lush.
But sometimes I do wonder.
Ten or so jello shots in about an hour will do that to you.
Make you wonder, that is.
Today was not an exciting day. I officially went on financial grounding this morning around noon. So what does that mean to me? No flying for two straight weeks. Two weeks including spring break. So it's more like one week. No, I suppose it's two weeks. I'm arguing with myself. I suppose I'll venture into the fridge for another one of those cherry-jello vodka concoctions.
I woke up around 2 in the afternoon. Watched the golf until its conclusion, and then proceeded to be even lazier for the rest of the night. That's when I thought jello shots would be a good idea. So we all (Hello DAVE!, Ashley, and I) went to Wally World to procure the neccesary ingredients. Which are, and I was mind fucked, jello packets, vodka, and water. Could you believe that shit? Yeah, I did too. It's not that amazing. Shit, I forgot to go get that jello shot. Brbizzle. Goddamn, time for a reverse-negroplasty I suppose.
It smells like old fucking hotdogs next to the trash in the kitchen. Someone should probably take that shit out. Here's a 3 minute ms paint of what just happened.

Yeah, that's pretty much the long and the ms paint of it. And it only smells when I stand in that exact spot. If I move 3 nanoinches to the left right or front center, it doesn't smell like decrepid ass hotdogs anymore. But if I stand in THAT EXACT SPOT, my inner child hangs himself.
Michelle took a lot of pictures from the ERAU ice hockey fan appreciation free skate thing the other day. If I wasn't as lazy as Checkov in the Wrath of Kahn I'd upload them to webshots or some shit. There are a couple of movies on there too, but I don't have my unix account with the school because, once again, I'm as lazy as that black guy who gets the thing in his ear in Wrath of Khan. Yeah, like you people haven't seen that shit? That movie is amazing. Khan is all like "I'm gonna use the genesis thing on your bitch ass cause you dropped our shields and shot us and deceived us adn where I'm from that's not fucking gangster, that's fucking homo. Man up unlike your little bitchass is remotely capable of doing." And Kirk is all like, "Khaaaaaaaaaan!". It's a good line, and a good flick. Check it out some day when you feel like being a fat smelly linux nerd and living in a trashcan. I don't live in a trashcan, and I don't know that much about linux. But I think I know enough about star trek that I am not allowed to touch vaginas. I'm not quite sure where that level exists at, but I'll be fucked six times from sideways by a Carpathian if I'm not close.
Han, get the fudge away from me.
I made this for a thread entitled Sticky Wicket.

+10 nerd points if you laugh because you understand it.
Well, now that it's about 3:30AM I think it's time to draw this entry to a close.
Psyche. I'm going to get another shot.
Holy shit, honestly. WHAT IS THAT FUCKING SMELL.
God! Why do you have to be so lazy!! Post the damn pictures! J/K .. I mean, not kidding about posting the pictures, but kidding about how harsh that just sounded... **Poke, poke...smile** Please post the pics and movies. :-D Seriously, you're obviously not too lazy to post on your blog, nor overly lazy enough to not make the effort to incorporate witty Star Wars or 2001 jokes into you posts...I think you can spare the energy to post the cool/cute skating picks...PLEASE!! **Adorable "cute puppy" look** Thank you!!
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