I can't handle this shit
Fuck my fucking school. The absolute indifference by every single employee of this place is staggering.
Example 1:
Today I was about 2/3 of the way through my workout, and this lady from the athletic department comes up to me and says, "The gym is closed from 2-4 for varsity players only, so... Yeah". I look up at the clock, and it's 2:15. I then look around the gym... Besides me there's 2 other people in the entire fucking gym. I was thinking 'you can't be serious'. So I said, "I'm on the hockey team here at school." And her response was, "That doesn't count, it has to be a real school sport." Now at this point I had 2 options.
Option A.

Option B.

And one of my favorite parts of my life is not being in jail, I chose option B.
Example 2.
Every semester I get a check cut for me from the Financial Aid department that comes from my loans and covers my living expenses and my book costs. I put in the request for this check the day after I got back, on January 13th. It is now the 18th and I still have not received my check. I forgot the mailroom closes at 4pm because it's quite the homo-mailroom. So at ten of four I go reeling down Clyde Morris Blvd at Mach 6 in my truck clicking the "I almost died" counter no less than 3 times to get there in time. I get there, and there's still no check... On day five. I'm not what you'd call the King of Quick, but how fucking long does it take to write a check. Takes me like 30 seconds, by hand. They print the fucking things out. I have all this money sitting in limbo for 6 days now that I can't get at, and I have an Accounting quiz tomorrow that I can't study for because I don't have enough fucking money to buy the Accounting book. Tomorrow if I don't get a check I'm going to student accounts, and I will once again have 2 options.
Option A

Option B

I'll use my one phonecall to post from jail.
OMG!! You summed up my last 3.5 yrs with riddle in one post!! Kudos to you!!.. oh ya, love the ending too.. lol :-) (MISS YOU!)
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