Friday, March 02, 2007

What with the cash?

Sometimes you come out of retirement, sometimes you do. This would be one of those times where you do. This website has suffered from an utter lack of updates. Updates, some would call "writings". That made somewhere between little and no sense. That space between where there are fairies and sometimes leprechauns. Crazy little fuckers. Always being short and having gold, or being shiny things with wings. Nevertheless, I didn't know if you were aware, but there are shitty movies coming out into the theaters. Also, telemundo is a funny fucking television station. I don't speak spanish. No. I speak highschool spanish. And I STILL know what's going in in these shows. As far as I can tell, Spanish people (that also includes messicans) love soap operas. Telemundo, as far as I can tell, is dedicated to showing hilarious highschool spanish soap operas 24/7. It took me three attempts to get the number 7 to appear after that forward slash. If they showed soap operas 24/8 I would be very intrigued. I would probably contact their time/space office to figure out how they did it. Because who wouldn't want another day in their weekend? Probably crappy people who like to work. On a related note I may go to Little Buddha tomorrow night. It's a sushi restaurant. It's in the Palms. I guess that makes it cool. If you took a dump in the Palms and they marketed it I guess people would crowd around it, nay, pay for tickets and bring their carry-on poodles to come see it. Grey's anatomy is on TV in the TV room in my house right now. That show blows more than the trade winds. And let me tell you something, if you exist in the fuck-whatever century, where there's sailing ships and shit, that blows. Because you'll be all like, I've got this money from Spain and these ships, let's go find shit, oh wait the winds aren't right, oh wait they're wicked shitty, I'll call them the trade winds because what ever I'm on acid. That's probably exactly what would happen. They should've called the ships the Nina Pinta and the Santa MariaomgI'monacid. Because that'd be closer to the truth then, oh we sailed over here from Spain, what's up Indians, peace out I want your land we have guns, booyashakalaka.

I don't fucking know, you're the one who reads this shit. If I gave you a picture would it make you feel better? Sorry, that's not how this shit works. Maybe tomorrow.


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