Like Winter
Only there's no snow. And it's not cold. So, basically it's not like winter here at all. I can't go to bed until my flipping laundry gets done out of the dryer of shittyness. You legit have to turn the thing on for well over 90 minutes for it to dry a load of laundry. I don't know what it's doing for those 90 minutes, because it certainly isn't drying my goddamn laundry. Sometimes even after 90 minutes my shit still isn't dry. Probably moving out of this place soon anyways. Won't have to deal with shitty dryer anymore. Haven't been in the gym for a week now. My knee is about as worthless as a China Buffet that doesn't have chocolate pudding. There was a period last weekend where I could hardly walk, so gyming it up and the likes was out of the question. I used to set a lot of things on fire at my old apartment, and now I'm doing it again. Something about having one of those Bic barbecue lighters near my computer is just bad news. Wow, that plastic wrapper smelt like SHIT when I burnt it. Holy shit smelling that is killing brain cells. I can hear them crying and dying in my brain. I visited what I believe to be the worst, most shittiest, most diseased Walmart on the face of the planet tonight. If they had Walmart's in Somalia, or some equally fucked third world country, this is what they'd be like. There were just random aisles everywhere, there was no logical plan that was followed in their placement. And if you didn't know where anything was, you pretty much stayed in the dark. There were no signs. I had to rely solely on my knowledge of being at other Walmarts as its design was loosely modeled after the national Walmart plan. I got unnecessarily drunk last evening. I hadn't really done that for some time. I saw pictures of it the next day, there's ones of my passed out on a couch... and then on a floor passed out. And then of me drinking some more, and being passed out on the couch again. I sat on said couch drunk as a skunk watching UFC in spanish. I didn't really give a shit what they were saying, not like it mattered. Every fight they showed I could give you a play-by-play from memory. But at one point they were counting how many times this guy got elbowed in the head. They were all, "Uno! Dos! Tres! Quatro! Cinco!"... etc. So I loudly counted with them. It was a good time for me. In related news, I've come to the conclusion that I'm far too tall and my arms are far longer than necessary. Buying shirts is a shitty challenge of epic proportions. The ones that fit my neck and chest definitely do not go all the way down to my wrists. I have to roll my sleeves up every day around my elbows so I don't look like a complete tard at work.
There's a new Halo 3 trailer out. I'm not sure how many of you play video games, but here it is regardless.
That video gives me a mini nerd-chubby in my pantalones.
Well my laundry's done so that's all the time we have together today. Don't be sad, this shit isn't good for you anyways. Tune in next whenever-the-hell-I-write-again for more of this life wasting horseshit.
Now to fold and hang this bullshit. Shit. And just for good measure. Shit.
This shit has gotten a bit ridiculous. Shit.
Todays theme is shit.
I like the word "shit". Shit.

From what I know, the Halo3 trailer is live action/rendered and not actually representative of in-game play. But its still sweet. Lets hope its at least close to that...
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