I'm Scuba Sam, Scuba Steve's father
So tomorrow is my last day of school for possibly the rest of my life. It hasn't really hit me yet, even as I say it. I'm not sure if it's because I don't care, or if I don't really realize what it means yet. I've got my check with an FAA examiner for my commercial license on Friday. I hope that goes just ducky. In about a week I'll be completely done with finals and everything. I don't know exactly what I'm going to do with myself after that. I have to stay here and crank out my multi-engine flight course, but after that... I seriously don't know.
Uncertainty, can be kind of fun sometimes, eh?
Tune in next time when I find out that I'm going to spend my life alone in a van down by the river.

Haha, I could watch that shit for hours.
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