God Knows You're Lonely Souls
So, I have a 15 page paper due for my Airport Managment class in 36 hours. If I don't write this godforsaken waste of time I don't graduate. Yet I can't seem to find the motivation to do it. The air conditioning is broken in my apartment again. That's always a plus. Except not at all. I'm pretty sure there was a leak of some sort in the A/C box in my laundry room. It was making a generally scary hissing sound and there was no cold air coming out the vent into my room. I put 2 and 2 together, got five, and shut off the A/C. Dave said he was going to call the people we rent from tomorrow so they can fix it. That's a good thing, cause I'm lazy and I hate talking to people on the phone. It's not all that bad though. It rained yesterday for the first time in probably 2 months. There was thunder and everything, I was quite impressed by it. Thunderstorms down here are really the only reason for Florida to exist. Other than that it's just a huge golf course for old people and a trailer park for white trash.
To reiterate the lack of effort I have to write this paper, I offer this as evidence... I'm writing in this goddamn thing. That's how much I don't want to do this paper.
Speaking of doing things with your life, you should do something with yours. Stop reading this.
I'm gonna go to school and maybe type some of the paper. Who knows. Maybe eat a candy bar. Also, the waterfountains on campus intrigue me.
This is the last line of this post.
I lied.
Oh yeah, my knee is wicked messed up. I mean like "surgery required" messed up. Isn't that awesome. I don't know what I'm going to do. They wont let me fly if I have surgery. I really need to finish flying so I can go home. But on the other hand I haven't worked out in almost four days now and it's killing me, not to mention my medical insurance is up once the semester is over. Isn't life fun?
This is definitely the last line of this post.
And you called me a liar.
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