Bob, what time is it.
It's 2AM, and I'm all kinds of exhausted. You're lucky I have the energy to type this cranial fecal matter up. So I just got back from a nine ball tournament I had absolutely no place playing in. Now that I'm done school, done all my clubs, done just about everything, I've got a lot of free time on my hands. Waldo's has a cash tournament on Tuesday nights, and it's only 8 bucks to get in. Plus you can play from 8-1AM for free. So I thought, "what the hell" and went out tonight. Little did I know that this was an entire different crew than the guys that come out for the free tournaments on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The first guy that played me gave me the nine ball. Which basically means I only have to run to the eight, while he has to go all the way to the nine. And if at any point the eight is on the table I can combo into it and end the game, and also with the nine. So basically what it means is that he knew he was going to give my a down home country asswhoopin', so he decided to make it sporting. And it was a little sporting, except that I only won 1 rack, and he won 4. Actually, after the first rack seeing how well this guy played, my goal became just to win a single rack. I did do that. So I guess it was somewhat of a success. So I went sailing into the losers bracket like, shit I dunno, something that sails to the losers bracket with a certain amount of purpose. Maybe not so much, since my purpose was losing. Kicked ass at that. HANG ON. Back on track. So I got my game in the losers bracket, and imagine that, it's against another guy that's going to assram me without lube. He must've played shitty or something because I almost won 2 racks. But in the end he came out on top 3-1. Not bad for my first outing at a tournament with players of that caliber. I think winning a rack a match is decent for a player that had been playing for about 4 months. Not wanting to feel like I didn't get my moneys worth, I stayed all the way until 1AM playing rack after rack after rack. I think I must've gotten in close to 40-50 racks tonight. Good times, good times.
Going back and reading that over, I've decided it's one of the more pointless blog entries I've ever made. So I feel like you deserve a treat or something for reading it. Like the Santa in Home Alone, everyone who reads ComUp gets something. But I aint got no tic tacs. How about a funny picture instead.

You can laugh, I wont tell anyone.
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