No time for the foul play.
It's raining out. One might even say 'fucking' raining out. Yeah, that much. The following may contain excessive profanity, it may not. You never really know. I've been up since 6AM, it's now 2AM. Or maybe it's 1AM. Or maybe it's inbetween. Like the licks and the tootsie pop, the world may never know. Not that you could take a bite out of the early morning hours and skip the licks. Once again my computer exists on the floor, and I'm laying on a mattress on the floor, using my computer on the floor. It's like shitty deja vu. Deja shitty. Shitty vu. Whatever floats your boat. Can't complain all that much though, since I've lived the past month or so with not even a fucking abbacus. Did I mention it's fucking raining out. This state basically sucks. It rains probably once a month or some shit. And then when it does rain, you're outside and it rains on you. And then you realize the only reason why the heat here is anywhere near being manageable, minus your charles barkley endorsed deoderant, is because there's less humidity than middle aged pillow-biters at any given time on the escalator that goes up to the second floor of JC Penny, where for the longest time I was thinking, "what the fuck do they even sell up there." Never really felt like going up there though, even an escalator requires a significant amount of effort. It's bad enough when you're in JC Penny reguardless, and then there's a whole 'nother floor. Fuck that, imo. But then I went up there once. And it's all pots and pans and shit. And rediculous toaster things and also overpriced bed things. I guess it was better as a mystery. At least then theres the posibility of the second floor being full of... I dunno... Free liters of beer and go-karts with chainsaw wheels. That'd be pretty cool. Basically it sucks here when it rains. That's what I was plodding towards. Like a shitty donkey in some sort of northern region of Russia. I'm too tired to drink and too bored to go to sleep. That's a predicament of epic proportions. Homeless people in Las Vegas are like YouTube, an endless source of free entertainment. Except when they start talking about fighting in Korea and start crying. And you're like, excuse me 80 year old crying homeless man at the bus stop. I didn't sign up for this. And then he talks about how his brother died, and he got hit by a car and his brother died but he didn't. I don't really remember. And then he was like "I didn't die cause god loves me, god lives me and I know it." Yeah, god definitely loves you. You live at the bus stop. You're coked out of your gourd, have roughly half a dozen teeth left, and wont stop telling me your body is made out of iron. I had an iron deficiency for a while, but I don't think the iron I wasn't getting was going to the guy at the 202 stop on Maryland Blvd. Also there's a guy who I see at the stop sometimes in the morning on my way to work. It's roughly 7AM when I get there, and he's usually halfway through a 40 already. Vocal eloquence isn't his finer quality. His grunts are especially unnerrving and he growls a lot. People hide children from him when he walks by. The thing that boggles the mind is that he waits until the bus gets there every morning, and then when it gets there, he reels down towards the Arby's at Mach 6 point homelessness waving his 40 oz. at passing cars. Maybe he gets some sort of rush out of waiting for the bus. Maybe waiting for the bus is the single most important thing anyone could ever do. Having waited for the bus every morning for the past month, I'm skeptical at best. I haven't seen him for about a week now, could be he's gone on to the big ol' soup kitchen in the sky. But aparently homeless people are like netflix, cause you lose one but you get another one in 1-2 business days. Because there's a guy living behind the landscaping at Best Buy now. I only have one request for him, I wish he'd stop shitting in the bushes, because it smells really bad when I walk to the bus stop in the morning. I swear to god if it smells like crap monday morning, I'm gonna take his cardboard bed and set it on fire or something. And then push his shopping cart full of what the fuck ever into traffic. That came out a bit more hostile than necessary. But seriously, stop crapping behind best buy, dude. Do eveyone a favor that has to walk to the bus stop in the morning. I went to a movie last weekend, two homeless guys kicked the crap out of eachother at a bus stop. I think one of them was Irish because he kept screaming "I'm Irish, don't fuck with me!" As if heredity has anything to do with your ability to inflict Jackie Chan damage upon another shopping cart extrordinaire. This post has spiraled downwards into Las Vegas tales of the poor and homeless. Lightning wont stop. Still raining out. This is probably more rain than this place has seen since the last chinese dynasty. Whenever the fuck that was.
Eh, it happens.
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